The 5ths page

Monday, October 23, 2006

Advantages and Disadvantages

How I'm disadvantaged
1. One reason why I'm disadvantaged is because I lack social skills. It is kind of like if I do not grow up with you I do not know you and kind of do not really want to know you. Because I had problems when I was a child.

How I'm advantaged
1. I was raised by great parents.
2. I have good manners and I'm playful.
3. I can always find a way to get out of something
4. I'm blessed. To me it is not about the clothes you wear. It is not about how you look. It is about knowing who you are inside and what your goals are.


Blogger Richard Day said...

Your page seemed lonely so here's a comment :)
And I'm sorry you had problems wen you were a child (even though I know nothing about it) and plus, I don't think you lack social're awesome #5! :)

5:38 PM  
Blogger LMichelleV said...

You are seriously one of the coolest kids ever. I think you're really social and super nice to everyone.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Jeb Oedkirk said...

You have awesome social skills. If you can call random people hitting you social like. Just kidding. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Osiris Stein said...

I agree with the above. I think you have great social skills. The part about being polite... (<-- I'm probably using those dots wrong) I remember when the Principal got mad at you for answering her question politely.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Jeb Oedkirk said...

RIGHT ON, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:04 AM  

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